Summer holiday in England

We had our summer holiday in England

Driving to Denmark, having a stopover at Hilde’s former colleague

– and his new puppy, Monty. Being brought up in a house of a media researcher, he knew what to do with our waterproof mobile phone.

We took DFDS’ ferry from Esbjerg to Harwich

And our first mission was to pick up the Range Rover

A sad story indeed, of an engine builder (Chris Crane at RPI) who rejected to have made anything wrong with the faulty engine – had stored the car without doing anything for a long time, and demanded £5000 IN CASH for us to just pick up the car – still with a faulty engine…
(Update 2011: Nothing really happened after we picked up the car. The engine was dismantled, and there are clear indications of the engine not having been correctly installed. However, having crossed borders to buy this service made it impossible to get any legal help. So if there’s any moral in this .. well, you can work it our for yourself..)

We left the sad car at the Land Rover show at Billing for a few days

While we visited friends in Yorkshire

Keeping the pizza warm…

And outdoor breakfast

Yay! A puddle! How to make the most of it:

(That probably explains why Hilde’s defender always is dirty..)

And a less successful attempt to follow one of the ‘roads’ in our hunting area

(Oh, and that probably explains some of it too..)

To be continued…